Regenerative Dental Botox Tampa, FL

Whenever we express emotion or squint in concentration, our facial muscles contract, which causes our skin to crease. As we age, we lose some of the moisture and collagen in our skin, and these creases deepen and remain a fixture of our face instead of disappearing as they did when we were younger.

Although wrinkles are expected (and are a badge of pride for some), they can create an aged or tired appearance. Therefore, some people want to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

One way patients can do this is with Botox treatment from their Tampa dentist. Dr. Nick M. Kavouklis has received specialized training to administer Botox treatments. These applications target the muscles around the eyes, lips, cheeks, neck, and forehead to restore facial aesthetics.

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What Is Botox and How Does It Work?

Botox is a neurotoxic protein that prevents the release of certain neurotransmitters, which causes a type of flaccid paralysis. While the botulinum toxin (a type of bacteria) is toxic, Botox treatments are non-toxic. The treatment is made of a protein produced by the bacteria – not the bacteria itself.

The application of Botox from a trained professional – like your Tampa dentist – can result in the softening of lines and wrinkles. This is accomplished by targeting specific facial muscles so they cannot complete the movements necessary to create lines and wrinkles. The Botox treatment is administered via an injection into the facial muscle, blocking the nerve signals to the muscles and preventing muscle contraction.

The result is an improved appearance and a more youthful-looking smile.

Benefits of Dental Botox Treatment in Tampa

The benefits of Botox from a trained Tampa dentist include:

  • Reduced creases around the eyes
  • Reduced wrinkles between the eyebrows
  • Reduced wrinkles around the mouth
  • Noticeable results within three to five days
  • Results that last for up to six months
  • Quick administration (approximately 15 minutes)
  • Safe, effective
  • Tolerable level of discomfort during application
  • Tailored results
  • Minimally invasive
  • No downtime

Botox Treatment for Certain Conditions

What type of conditions can your Tampa dentist treat with Botox? Here are just a few:

  • Crow’s feet (smile lines around the eyes)
  • Glabellar lines (the frown line between the eyebrows)
  • Smoker’s lines (around the lips)
  • Chin dimples
  • Neckbands
  • Bunny lines (wrinkles on the nose)
  • Drooping eyebrows

Who Can Benefit from Botox Treatment in Tampa?

Nearly anyone can benefit from Botox. It’s one of the safest, most effective anti-aging treatments available. By relaxing and weakening muscle contractions, it can help reduce how those muscle movements impact the skin.

People in their 40s and beyond can notice an improvement in deeper wrinkles that have developed over the years. They might also notice they look more refreshed, energized, and youthful.

People who start Botox treatments in their late-20s and early-30s can experience an anti-aging effect since the Botox eases dynamic lines and wrinkles (dynamic = wrinkles that appear when you express emotion) and prevents further wrinkle formation.

Are You a Good Candidate for Botox in Tampa?

If you’re bothered by the depth of your dynamic wrinkles or how many lines and wrinkles you have, you may be a good candidate for Botox treatment. According to plastic surgeons, dentists, and dermatologists, the best candidates for Botox are:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • In good physical health
  • Not pregnant or nursing

Your Tampa dentist will also recommend that you maintain a realistic idea of the results you can attain with Botox. You’re not going to be able to turn back the hands of time and look decades younger. However, you can soften existing lines and wrinkles and achieve a refreshed, more youthful appearance.

What Can You Expect During Your Botox Treatment Appointment?

During your Botox appointment, your Tampa dentist will review your health history and medication list to ensure you’re a good candidate for this treatment. Then, he’ll carefully examine your natural facial movements to ensure the treatment will address your specific areas of concern.

Since we use a micro-needle for Botox injections, most people don’t feel anything during their appointment. However, we understand that some patients experience anxiety before going to the dentist and receiving Botox treatments, so we can apply a topical gel to numb the skin before the injection.

After administering the Botox, we’ll apply pressure for a few minutes to the injection site to discourage swelling. Once we’ve finished administering all the injections, you’re free to leave and go about your day as usual.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Give You a More Youthful Smile

In addition to Botox injections, your Tampa dentist provides various cosmetic dental procedures to give you your dream smile. Treatments such as porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, and dental implants can complement your Botox treatment so you can look and feel your best.

Would you like more information about Botox in Tampa? Contact us to schedule a consultation.

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